Tag Archives: years

Retirement Shock: Need To Find A Job After 40 Years At General Electric

When you are at a place like Canada, which is one of the most affluent and developing countries of the world, you expect an exciting Lifestyle, good health and happiness in all respects of life. Most gallery owners invest thousands upon thousands of dollars of their own money and only see one or two paintings sell a month. Just MAYBE you will be lucky enough to have a celebrity or an aristocrat see your work and buy one of your paintings. As you look for a position, you will find that many organizations today are using temporary employment services to help them find workers. But most decisions are based on something about the work or the show. I had the experience of jurying a small works show at a fair-sized arts center. I loved it. And the feedback I got from the staff and board was that they felt it was the best small works show they’d had.

I knew, or sensed, that there was some connection with these works and the person who made them and myself. Someone who knew Morandi told him that a young man would be interested in visiting. I was unhappy in medical school and knew there was something else I wanted but that had not yet revealed itself to me. Many medical coders will be working either for hospitals, doctors offices or an independent company even at their offices or from the comfort of their own homes. There is no money to be made working at an art gallery. Imagine working at a gallery for a minute. “I have always thought of Morandi as my personal sage,” said Haller when we talked at his Chelsea gallery late last month. When he was a young man, the New York art dealer Stephen Haller had a brief but life-changing friendship with Giorgio Morandi, who was nearing the end of his days.

Stephen Haller with a book on Morandi. In particular, on visits to MoMA the work of Giorgio Morandi called a special attention to me. Assuming my work meets all eligibility requirements, what goes through my head is was it the first eliminated? My first impression was that he was tall and slightly stooped. My first stop was to Perugia to learn the language. I had rehearsal for my new work with CelloPointe at New York Theatre Ballet until 2 pm, dashed to the Bolt Bus, and made it home just in time to stop by the gym before my appointment. Setting boundaries between work and home will help stop the two from bleeding into each other. Music therapists can be employed at nursing homes, assisted care facilities, home health agencies or even the elderly private home. The internet has really simplified our world these days and what used to take us countless hours, days, or even weeks to do, can now be achieved faster than a speeding bullet.

If I invested with a gallery that would actually have done something for me five years ago instead of wasting money on jury fees, my painting career would probably be a lot more profitable right now. Some 40 years ago, in the early Sixties, I was at a turning point in my life. Etc, etc, etc.I also understand that a good juror is going to be looking at how all selected work will work together as a whole grouping. If you are contending with dried urine, there is a good chance it has crystallized in the carpet under pad. Are you convinced networking can help your career, but still have questions about how to do it well? I’ve spent a great amount of time dancing Balanchine and contemporary works, as well. Make sure to prepare a well written resume and cover letter, make online copy and hard copy too. 100 a pop adds up quickly for “filler” on your resume.